Believe it or not, I actually have been doing some shooting over the past few months, but I haven't exactly been quick to make the time to edit them. Hence this post for Zoe's birthday being posted a month and a half late!
Zoe turned 10 years old on September 11th, which seems impossible to believe. As always, we spoiled the dogs with treats and toys in honor of her special day. I have been lazy about taking photos of the dogs' birthdays the past few years and I really regret it, so I made sure to capture images of Zoe's birthday this year! So please allow me to share some photos of my sweet fur babies with you.
Waiting patiently for their first bag...
Hmmm, what's in here?...
Love this one of sweet Lexi...
Such a little goober!...
Hey, somebody open these for me!...
Waiting for a treat...
Mmmm! More treats...
The birthday girl...
New toys!...
Who me? I'm not about to destroy this ball. I don't know what you are talking about!...
These photos crack me up, and I couldn't resist posting a collage of them all...
Sweet birthday girl...
Another bag of goodies...
What a goofball...
Oh yay, another toy to destroy!...
One more of the happy birthday girl...
As always, thanks for stopping by my little corner of the blogosphere.