
Showing posts with label Trash the Dress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trash the Dress. Show all posts

Friday, October 31, 2014

Kourtney + Eric's Zombie Trash the Dress Session

I'm pretty much at a loss for words when it comes to introducing this session.  Nothing I say is going to do it justice.  It truly is one of those instances where a picture (or several) is worth a thousand words.  So, I think maybe I'll just give a little background and then let the photos take over.

Back in the spring I photographed a couple of trash the dress sessions just for fun.  It was something I'd always wanted to do and finally took the time to make it happen.  When I posted them, Kourtney (whose engagement and wedding I photographed) contacted me and said she wanted to schedule her own trash the dress session for the fall.  So a few weeks ago, I contacted Kourtney to see if she was still interested.  She said yes and we scheduled the date for their session.

We began tossing some ideas back and forth about what we could do, and Kourtney proposed the idea of trashing her dress zombie style.  As soon as she suggested it, I knew it would be amazing, but it wasn't until a few hours later when I realized that her session date ironically coincided with the huge zombie walk in downtown Phoenix that I knew just how awesome it was truly going to be.

A ton of planning went into making this session a reality, and it couldn't have been done without the help of some incredible people helping us.  I couldn't be more thrilled with how everything came together. The excitement I have felt this past week over sharing these photos would probably beat out a room full of 5 year olds on Christmas Eve.  So please allow me to (finally) share with you a peek at one of the most awesome and creative photo sessions I have had the honor and privilege of photographing.

I originally intending on setting the scene and giving a bit of commentary on the story line of these images, but once I finally had them all edited and compiled together, I ultimately decided none was necessary.  So the only other thing I need to say before we get started is THANK YOU to everyone who helped make this session possible....  You know who you are, and You. All. Rock.

Kourtney and Eric, I hope you love these as much as I do. It was an absolute blast doing this session with you. Thank you for including me and for inviting me back into your lives to take more photos for you.

Michele Whitacre is a portrait photographer serving Phoenix, Arizona and the surrounding area.
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