
Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Luke + Kim + Shannon's Sneak Peek

Recently, I had the honor and the privilege of taking photos for one for my dearest friends and her family. There's a bit of irony in the fact that I am taking their photos now because if it wasn't for my photography I wouldn't even know them.

Kevin and Luke went to law school together but graduated a semester apart.  I just so happened to be at Luke's graduation ceremony watching some other friends get their diplomas.  At the time, Shannon was still little and Kim needed to leave the room with her just as Luke was about to walk across the stage and receive his diploma.  A mutual friend asked if I could take photos for him since Kim wasn't able to do it.  Of course, I said yes. Later that night, I ended up meeting them and Kim and I instantly bonded.  The rest, as they say, is history.  I could go on and on about just how much I adore these people but I'm sure you'd rather look at photos than hear my ramblings, so... 

Please allow me to introduce you to Kim, Shannon, and Luke:

This first photo is one of my favorites of the bunch!...
Another favorite!...
Isn't Shannon just the cutest?!...
Look at those beautiful eyes!...
I adore this photo of mother and daughter...
So sweet...
Kim has the most infectious laugh. When I look at this set of images of her laughing with Shannon, it's like I'm right there in the moment again and I can almost hear her...
I loved capturing these sweet moments between daddy and daughter, too!...
And a few more of the whole family to round out the session!...
Kim, Thank you for allowing me to capture these moments of your precious family!

Michele Whitacre used to be a portrait photographer serving Phoenix, Arizona.  Now she just takes photos for fun when the mood strikes.
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