Monday, January 5, 2015

Big Announcement: MWP is Going Out of Business

It is with very mixed emotions that I write this post, and I suspect it is going to be a long one, so you might want to grab yourself a glass of wine and make yourself comfortable.

If you're all settled in for the long haul, here we go...

I'm feeling an overwhelming need to start this post from the beginning, and since it's my blog I guess there's nothing stopping me from doing just that.  So, back to the beginning we go:

About a billion years ago (ok, maybe more like 11 years ago), I very briefly dated someone.  A few months later the best friend and wife of this someone moved into a house across the street from mine.  One day this couple saw me working in my yard and came over to introduce themselves and explain that we shared a mutual acquaintance.

Fast forward a few years, the couple had a baby and the wife bought a DSLR camera and started a blog to document her son's life.   At the time, I was very deeply entrenched in the blogging world and her blog quickly became one of the many that I followed at the time.  As it turned out, the wife was crazy talented with that camera of hers and before she knew it a senior portrait photography business had exploded for her, and her little ole blog about her son's milestones turned into a hugely successful, and widely read, photography business blog.  I fell in love with her style of photography and continued to follow her blog regularly as one of her many faithful readers.

Once again, fast forward a few years, and I found myself feeling bored and restless with my life, and filled with an overwhelming need to just do something different. Only I had no idea what that something different should be exactly.  So, I ended up enrolling in classes for an associates degree program at a local university.  I needed some elective credits, and I opted to take a photography class.

During my class, I had weekly shooting assignments, one of which was to take portraits.  While I enjoyed the entire class, it wasn't until the portrait assignment that a true passion for photography grabbed hold of me. I honestly think that all those years of following the wife's photography blog sort of gave me 'an eye' for portrait photography, and I instantly felt at home behind the camera while photographing other individuals.  When I turned in that particular assignment, my professor and fellow classmates were all stunned to learn that I was showing them my first attempt at taking portraits. They all encouraged me to pursue it farther, and I did.  I began taking portraits of every single person I could beg or bribe into sitting for me.  It didn't take very long and I was hooked!

Of course, I would have to fall in love with an area of photography that is impossible to do without other people involved.  I knew that taking portraits was what I really wanted to do, but I didn't see a way to continue down the portrait photographer path without having a photography businesses, so I immediately decided to start Michele Whitacre Photography.

At the time, starting my business was the best thing I could have done.  It renewed my passion and excitement for life as I became involved in learning something new.  It occupied hours (and hours and hours and hours and hours) of my time while my husband was busy completing his undergraduate degree, and later when he was consumed with law school.  It introduced me to a ton of wonderful and amazing new clients (some of whom turned into great friends), especially when I didn't know a soul after relocating to Phoenix. It got me out of my comfort zone and got me testing my limits as I taught myself new aspects of photography.  And quite frankly, it taught me a lot about myself.

Part of knowing myself, means knowing when it is time for a change.  As it tends to do while we aren't looking, my life (and consequently my needs) have drastically changed over the past 5 years.  The reasons that kept me moving forward with my photography business in the past no longer make sense with my current life.  So, I've made the incredibly difficult decision to close my photography business effective immediately.  I have been struggling with this decision for the past 6 months or so, and even now I'm not 100% sure that I am making the right one. But that's the way life goes, I suppose.

So now what?

The answer is that I really just don't know.  I do have a few sessions and events that I have already committed to during 2015, and of course, I will be honoring those commitments.  I'm sure I will be shooting some portraits and events in the future for family and very close friends.  I'll probably continue to shoot some fun concept sessions when the mood strikes and I can convince someone to model for me.  And I'm really looking forward to stretching myself and my photography skills in new ways.  There are a lot of other areas of photography I've been interested in learning more about, but just never had the time.  I'm also very interested in sharing what I know with beginner photographers, so I'm considering exploring my options for doing some teaching in the future.

While I have decided to close my photography business, nothing has changed regarding my love of photography.  I still have every intention of continuing to take photos, and I will be sharing the photos I take on my blog just like I always have.  (Although, I may end up closing down my business Facebook Page - the jury is still out on that one.)  So, I hope you will continue to join me for the ride.

As always, a HUGE thank you to every single individual who has been a part of my photography journey the past 5 years.  It has been an honor and a pleasure sharing in your lives, and capturing special moments and memories for you all.  You all rock!

Michele Whitacre is a portrait photographer serving Phoenix, Arizona and the surrounding area.
Visit Michele's Website | Like Michele on Facebook | Follow Michele on Instagram | Follow Michele on Twitter

© 2015 Michele Whitacre Photography LLC

Monday, December 29, 2014

Self-Portrait | December 2014

The end of the year brought with it the end of an era as I said goodbye to the first car I ever purchased!

It might be a bit hard to believe, but I've only owned four cars in my life, and my parents gave me the first two.  It wasn't until the second one of those died in the summer of 2002 that I bought my first car at the age of 27.  I had already decided that I wanted a small SUV, so it wasn't too difficult to decide on a Ford Escape as my car of choice.

In the spring of 2011, Kevin's car was totaled in a car accident. At that time, it made more financial sense to buy me a newer car, so I opted to buy another Escape and Kevin took over driving the 2002.  Sadly, he didn't love it quite as much as I did, and he's been counting the days until he could replace it with a car of his choosing.

As old cars often do, this one was quickly turning into a money pit and when another large repair was going to be required we decided it was time to bid the old Escape adieu.  So while Kevin has been doing a happy dance over shopping for a new car, I have been feeling a bit weepy and nostalgic over getting rid of my first big girl car.

Twelve years is a long time to own a car!  I can't help but look back over the past 12 years of my life and reminisce at where I was when I purchased it and everything I have been through since then.  That car has seen me through an amazing number of adventures and HUGE life changes!

Even though I haven't been the one driving it the past few years, it was still sitting there in the garage so I could say hello whenever I wanted. Since we wanted to keep the miles off the newer vehicle, we usually took the older one whenever we went any place together.  So, I really hadn't said goodbye to it when I bought my new one.  But it appears the time has finally come that I must do just that.

So, goodbye my dear old friend.  Thank you for safely taking me through the journey of my crazy life these past 12 years.  I will definitely miss you!

Did you miss some of my past self-portraits?  Clicking here will take you to all of my self-portrait blog posts. Clicking here will take you to my self-portrait Facebook album.

Michele Whitacre is a portrait photographer serving Phoenix, Arizona and the surrounding area.
Visit Michele's Website | Like Michele on Facebook | Follow Michele on Instagram | Follow Michele on Twitter

© 2014 Michele Whitacre Photography LLC

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Phil + Griselda + Romel's Sneak Peek

I'm excited to FINALLY share Phil, Griselda, and Romel's family Christmas photos! I am at a loss for what to say except that their photos are full of awesomeness, and Romel is pretty much the cutest infant EVER!

Am I right, or what?...

Have I mentioned that I just adore this family?...

Too cute...

Just look at those adorable expressions!...

I couldn't pick a favorite so I had to include a few of these...

Love, love, love!...


Cuteness overload...

If this awesome family looks familiar, it's probably from one of their past sessions: Griselda, With their fur kid, Cudi, Maternity, and Romel's Newborn photos!  To say they are loyal clients is bit of an understatement!

Phil and Griselda,  Once again, thank you for allowing me to capture these precious photos for you!  You guys rock!

Michele Whitacre is a portrait photographer serving Phoenix, Arizona and the surrounding area.
Visit Michele's Website | Like Michele on Facebook | Follow Michele on Instagram | Follow Michele on Twitter

© 2014 Michele Whitacre Photography LLC

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Aryana + Alina's Sneak Peek

Yippee! I'm stoked that I get to share these adorable photos of Aryana and Alina on the blog today. This time of year is always a test of my secret keeping skills!  It is my busiest season, taking tons of family holiday photos, yet I don't get to share the awesomeness until after everyone mails out their cards and/or delivers the photos that are being given as gifts.  It is soooo hard to keep all the images under wraps for so long, and I was really excited when Aryana and Alina's mom said I could share their photos today.

We snuck in their session last Saturday afternoon at one of my favorite places to shoot.  There are so many awesome places to use as backdrops and these fun steps are at the top of the list...

Aren't they just adorable?!...

This one is definitely a favorite...

Another fav...


Apparently we were all about the steps during their session! I just love these awesome stairs for photos, and this one is another favorite of Aryana and Alina...

OK, I seriously ADORE this one!  I just love little Alina's expression here...

Alina was starting to get tired from working so hard to pose just like we asked and from trying to give good smiles.  By this point she had had enough and I love how she's trying to disappear into her big sister here...

After Alina decided she'd had enough of posing, we decided to sneak in a few shots of Aryana by herself.  This girl right here.  O.M.G.  Can we say NATURAL in front of the camera?!?!  If I ever need a child model for a session in the future I'm calling Aryana.  She is an absolute dream to photograph.  She requires almost no direction to pose herself into the most adorable and natural positions.

Seriously.  Can she be any more awesome?

Yvonne,  Thank you for allowing me to photograph your adorable girls.  It was great meeting all of you and taking these photos for you.  I hope you have a very happy holiday season.

Michele Whitacre is a portrait photographer serving Phoenix, Arizona and the surrounding area.
Visit Michele's Website | Like Michele on Facebook | Follow Michele on Instagram | Follow Michele on Twitter

© 2014 Michele Whitacre Photography LLC

Friday, December 5, 2014

Happy 7th Birthday, Lexi!

I'm pretty sure I start off every single one of these birthday posts saying how I can't believe that the dogs are another year older, and this one is no different. Seven! I'm in shock that so many years have passed since little Lexi was born and I adopted her as an 8 week old puppy. I really wish I had a pause button to stop life for a while so I could take some time to enjoy more of the little moments with my sweet, adorable fur babies!

As always, the pups got spoiled with some toys and treats in honor of Lexi's 7th Birthday on December 2, 2014!  I get such a kick out of watching them tear open their gifts and play with their new toys.

Zoe and Lexi, waiting patiently for the fun to begin...

Tearing up the bag just might be the best part...

Sweet Zoe...

I got a little carried away on these photos of Lexi and her frisbee.  When I was done editing, I realized that almost all of the photos I selected were of her chewing on it.  Of course, frisbees are one of her favorite things, so she returned to play with it multiple times during her birthday celebration...

I just love all of her expressions in this series of photos...

Silly goose with a tag stuck to her mouth...

A little game of tug...

And a few of cats getting in on the actions...

As always, thanks for stopping by my blog!

Michele Whitacre is a portrait photographer serving Phoenix, Arizona and the surrounding area.
Visit Michele's Website | Like Michele on Facebook | Follow Michele on Instagram | Follow Michele on Twitter

© 2014 Michele Whitacre Photography LLC