
Saturday, December 2, 2017

McKenna's Sneek Peek

I was in Indiana for my brother-in-law's wedding in October and while I was there I took some senior photos for McKenna, who is the daughter of one my dearest friends.  I absolutely adore this girl (and her mom) and it was so awesome to see them again. I really wanted to pack both of them in my suitcase when I left and bring them back to Arizona with me!

I've been struggling to wrap my mind around the fact that McKenna is about to graduate from high school. Last time I took her photos was for her eleventh birthday and it feels like just yesterday! McKenna is an awesome student and has a great head on her shoulders.  Mark my words, she is going to go far in life! Someday when she's doing huge things, I'm going to be bragging that I knew her when she was just a toddler.

The poor girl has been waiting FOREVER to see these photos since it took me a while to get them edited.  So, please allow me to share with you a huge sneak peek (because after the wait she deserves to see a ton of her images) of the stunning McKenna:

I'm going to say it a bunch, but I just adore this image.  It's definitely on the top 10 list:

I love McKenna's freckles, aren't they awesome?...

McKenna, you are stunning!  I think you get more gorgeous every year...

Those eyes!  Seriously!...

A little sun flare fun...

I was excited that we were able to catch a little bit of fall color in her photos, even if we did freeze half to death while we were taking them...

Another favorite...

A little more fun with the sun flare...

This gate was always a favorite place to shoot when I lived in Fort Wayne...

Another fav...

Simply stunning...

Aren't these doors incredible?  I am in love with all of these images...

Another of my many favorites...

And another favorite.  Doesn't she have the cutest smile?...

McKenna has a really fun personality and was cracking me up with some of her poses...


Strike a pose...

Another favorite...

McKenna, Thank you for allowing me to take your senior photos for you! It was so great getting to see you again. Good luck with the rest of your senior year and with college next year. I'm sorry it took me so long to get this posted!

Michele Whitacre used to be a portrait photographer serving Phoenix, Arizona.  Now she just takes photos for fun when the mood strikes.
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© 2017 Michele Whitacre Photography LLC

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Happy 10th Birthday, Zoe!

Believe it or not, I actually have been doing some shooting over the past few months, but I haven't exactly been quick to make the time to edit them.  Hence this post for Zoe's birthday being posted a month and a half late!

Zoe turned 10 years old on September 11th, which seems impossible to believe. As always, we spoiled the dogs with treats and toys in honor of her special day.  I have been lazy about taking photos of the dogs' birthdays the past few years and I really regret it, so I made sure to capture images of Zoe's birthday this year!  So please allow me to share some photos of my sweet fur babies with you.

Waiting patiently for their first bag...

Hmmm, what's in here?...

Love this one of sweet Lexi...

Such a little goober!...

Hey, somebody open these for me!...

Waiting for a treat...

Mmmm! More treats...

The birthday girl...

New toys!...

Who me?  I'm not about to destroy this ball.  I don't know what you are talking about!...

These photos crack me up, and I couldn't resist posting a collage of them all...

Sweet birthday girl...

Another bag of goodies...

What a goofball...

Oh yay, another toy to destroy!...


One more of the happy birthday girl...

As always, thanks for stopping by my little corner of the blogosphere.

Michele Whitacre used to be a portrait photographer serving Phoenix, Arizona.  Now she just takes photos for fun when the mood strikes.
Like Michele on Facebook | Follow Michele on Instagram | Follow Michele on Twitter

© 2017 Michele Whitacre Photography LLC