Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Self-Portrait | July 2014

I can't even believe I am saying this, but this month brings with it the 3 year mark since Kevin and I packed up and said goodbye to Indiana and relocated to Arizona. In so many ways the past 3 years have gone by in the blink of an eye! Yet, in so many other ways it feels like they have lasted for an eternity. We have been through so many huge changes - which have been mostly good, but they've also been insanely stressful. And we have finally reach THE END! We are completely unpacked and starting to settle into our new house and our new area of the valley.  Kevin is finally 100% done with everything involved in completing law school and is now working a job that he is really enjoying and we are hoping will turn into a full-time position. Fingers-crossed.

After spending 3 years working like an insane person while just trying to keep my head above water, I finally have time to refocus my attention on all of the things I have been neglecting. Number one on the list is my health and fitness. So, I joined a gym! And the majority of this month has been spent trying to develop a new habit of working out.

This month's photo was all about capturing the memory, as opposed to quality photography. It was a last minute decision to grab this picture with my cell phone (via my hubby taking it) post workout. I was dressed in the most horrific neon green tank top, which makes my skin tone a lovely shade of "are you ill?". And let's not even talk about the atrocious lighting. Hence the black and white edit!

Did you miss some of my past self-portraits?  Clicking here will take you to all of my self-portrait blog posts. Clicking here will take you to my self-portrait Facebook album.

Michele Whitacre is a portrait photographer serving Phoenix, Arizona and the surrounding area.
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© 2014 Michele Whitacre Photography LLC

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