Tuesday, April 2, 2013

BBL 2012-2013 | Buy a New Camera Body


Why did I include this on my Bucket List?

I didn't set out to become a photographer.  I just kind of fell into it after falling in love with taking portraits during a photography class.  When I decided to go pro, I immediately upgraded my lenses but continued to use my entry level camera body.  Since I had to pick where to put my pennies, I knew I would get the most bang for my buck if I upgraded my lenses first.

While that was definitely the best long term decision, it didn't come without frustrations about the limitations of my camera body over the past three years.  I've repeated it over and over but my current camera body has horrible image quality with a lot of noise at any ISO over 400.  It doesn't allow me to set Kelvin temperatures which makes it more of a challenge to get my white balance right in the camera.  It has way too few focus points, which has made it challenging to get my composition right in camera.  Instead I've learned to set up my shots so that I could crop them during editing.  It also has a crop sensor, which impacts the focal length function of my lenses.

All of the limitations of my camera have made things a bit more challenging for me and have needlessly added a lot of time to my editing process.  On one hand, those limitations have made me a better photographer.  It forced me to learn my equipment inside and out and to push the limits of what it can do, and it taught me to get creative in seeking out alternative ways to accomplish my goals for my images.  It has also made me better at photoshop.  Since there were things I wanted to do, but couldn't do, with my camera it forced me to learn how to do them while editing.  On the other hand, I feel that I have reached the limit of what I can do while using my current camera.  If I want to grow and expand my skills (and my business), it's time to bite the bullet and move into the big leagues with a professional grade camera body.

Was the experience what I had hoped it would be?

Let's just say that I know it's going to be.  I've shot two sessions with my new camera, and WOW is all I can say.

Now, the experience of actually buying the new camera body.... that's another thing entirely.  But as they say, when you buy the best you only cry once.

The details...

I decided to go with the Canon 5D Mark III for a whole lot of reasons that I won't bore you with.  But the bottom line is that I felt like this camera would allow me to do everything I want and need to do now, and also allow for a lot of growing room in the future.  After living with so many limitations for so long, I wanted a camera body that wasn't going to deliver a repeat performance shortly after purchasing it.  I'm certain the Mark III will fit that bill perfectly.

Do you want to see my entire 2012-2013 Birthday Bucket List? You can find it here.  Or did you miss my 2011-2012 Birthday Bucket List? You can find it here.

Michele Whitacre is a portrait photographer serving Phoenix, Arizona and the surrounding area.
Visit Michele's Website | Like Michele on Facebook | Follow Michele on Instagram | Follow Michele on Twitter

© 2013 Michele Whitacre Photography LLC

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Spoiled Easter Pups

My parents came over earlier today to celebrate Easter with us, and they brought Zoe and Lexi some Easter presents. So, of course I had to take some photos of them tearing into them! The dogs have so much fun opening gifts.

Waiting patiently and jumping in...

The race is on to see who will get the goodies! This is about the only time that Zoe beats Lexi!...

Back off, Sister! These are mine...

Zoe checking out a new toy...

I found this little series of photos amusing...

Hmmm... Did I miss something over there...

Another one?! (I love Lexi's tongue sticking out in the second photo!)...

Another new toy...

Tearing apart the bags is the best part!...

Love her ears in this one!...

I hope that everyone had a wonderful Easter holiday today! Thanks for stopping by.

Michele Whitacre is a portrait photographer serving Phoenix, Arizona and the surrounding area.
Visit Michele's Website | Like Michele on Facebook | Follow Michele on Instagram | Follow Michele on Twitter
© 2013 Michele Whitacre Photography LLC

Friday, March 29, 2013

Photo Project | Playing With Smoke

At the workshop I attended at the beginning of the month, we learned the lighting set up to take these awesome cigar photos.  Since I recently purchased new lighting equipment that would allow me to take them, I decided to give them a try for this month's photo project.  I asked on facebook if anyone would be willing to volunteer to be my subject, and I was thrilled when Josh agreed to help me out.

Here are a handful of the images from our session...

  This is definitely a favorite!...

So is this one...

Love this one, too!...

And this one...

Who am I kidding? I love them all! It was so much fun experimenting with this technique, and I would love to do it again. I might have to consider shooting weddings after all, just so I can start taking these shots at the receptions. :)

Did you miss some of my past photo projects? Clicking here will take you to all of my photo project posts.

Michele Whitacre is a portrait photographer serving Phoenix, Arizona and the surrounding area.
Visit Michele's Website | Like Michele on Facebook | Follow Michele on Instagram | Follow Michele on Twitter

© 2013 Michele Whitacre Photography LLC

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Daryan's Sneak Peek

I am so excited to share Daryan's senior photos on the blog today! Daryan is graduating high school an ENTIRE YEAR early! Miss smarty pants. So, I met with her and her mom a few weeks ago to capture some photos before her graduation in a few months.

We started our session at Thunderbird Park, which is one of my favorite places to shoot. Daryan was relaxed in front of the camera and excited about her photos right from the beginning, which made her so much fun to photograph. She saw this huge tree and asked if she could climb it and pose for some photos.  Totally cute, right?...

This is one of my favs, especially in black and white...

This is another favorite. I just love that bridge...

Hello, gorgeous!...

I love both of these images, also. Daryan, you are so pretty!...

After graduation, Daryan will be attending film school! It was so much fun listening to her tell me all about the program and about everything she is going to learn. I am so excited for her. What an awesome thing to do! So, in honor of Daryan heading off to film school next year, we had to capture these photos...

I just have to say that I am insanely jealous that Daryan's high school color is purple. PURPLE! Mine was red. How boring.

Daryan has THEE BEST personality. She is so much fun! Here she is mugging a bit for the camera in her cap and gown. I thought all of these were just so cute, and couldn't narrow it down, so I went with a little collage instead...

And back to that bridge for one more...

We then headed back to Daryan's house for a quick outfit change and a few photos with her kitty, Ravenclaw...

We then headed to a nearby waterfall for some more photos. Is that dress not to die for? I just love these two photos, especially the black and white. STUNNING!...

Daryan's dark hair is absolutely gorgeous, and I love how it stands out in this one...

And just a little bit of that fun personality peeking out again. I love it!...

Daryan, thank you so much for spending your Friday evening with me and allowing me to take your senior photos for you. I hope you have a wonderful end of your senior year, a great summer, and an amazing time at film school. I want to hear all about it, so you better keep in touch and tell me how it goes next year? Deal?

Michele Whitacre is a portrait photographer serving Phoenix, Arizona and the surrounding area.
Visit Michele's Website | Like Michele on Facebook | Follow Michele on Instagram | Follow Michele on Twitter

© 2013 Michele Whitacre Photography LLC

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Phoenix School of Law | Student Head Shots

Several of my husband's law school classmates have been asking me about having professional head shots taken in the school library. After enough requests, I finally contacted the school to see if they would give me permission.  The school agreed to allow me to come in one day during Spring Break, when it wouldn't be too much of a disturbance.  Of course, the last place most students want to be during break is the school library, but these guys made it out for photos.  That's what I call dedication!

So please allow me to introduce you to these handsome, and dedicated, future attorneys.

Meet Charles...



And Stan...

What a great looking group of future lawyers, huh?  I'd hire them!  Wouldn't you?

Michele Whitacre is a portrait photographer serving Phoenix, Arizona and the surrounding area.
Visit Michele's Website | Like Michele on Facebook | Follow Michele on Instagram | Follow Michele on Twitter
© 2013 Michele Whitacre Photography LLC