
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Birthday Bucket List | 2011-2012 Edition

To quote the great Ferris Bueller (what can I say? I'm an 80s kid), "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

Life does move pretty fast these days, and it seems to be moving faster with each passing year!  In an attempt to slow down and make time to have a little fun, I've started keeping what I call my Birthday Bucket List.  Basically, it is a list of new things I want to do before my next birthday.

When I first started doing this, the number of things that I wanted to do in the coming year was the same as the age I would be turning on my next birthday, but as the years started adding up I found that I just couldn't keep up.  So, instead I've narrowed the list down to 12 things, with the goal of attempting to mark one off my list each month.  (But don't hold me to that!)

So, here is my 2011-2012 Birthday Bucket List:

1. Plant a palm tree... CHECKED + BLOGGED!

2. Make pasta from scratch... CHECKED + BLOGGED!

3. Find a new music artist/band that I love... CHECKED + BLOGGED!

4. Take a vow of silence for 24 hours... CHECKED + BLOGGED!

5. Fast for 24 hours... CHECKED + BLOGGED!

6. Cruise around the Hawaiian Islands... CHECKED + BLOGGED!

7. Try to surf... CHECKED + BLOGGED!

8. Try a new sport or form of exercise... CHECKED + BLOGGED!

9. Take a photo a day for a 30 days... CHECKED + BLOGGED!

10. Take a photoshop class... CHECKED + BLOGGED!

11. Rent a Fisheye lens and experiment with it... CHECKED + BLOGGED!

12. Rent a Macro lens and experiment with it... CHECKED + BLOGGED!

As I complete the items, I will mark them off the list and write a blog post about the experience.  I'm really looking forward to the coming year, and getting to learn, see, and do some exciting new things!

Michele Whitacre is a portrait photographer serving Phoenix, Arizona and the surrounding area. Visit Michele's website at Become a fan of Michele's work on Facebook. Follow Michele's updates on Twitter.


  1. Nice photo! The U.P. does have some awesome scenery. Can't wait to see the Phoenix sunrise and sunset and Hawaiian Island photos. A birthday bucket list sounds like a fun idea.

  2. That quote is absolutely right - we've got to stop and enjoy life. And what a great list too...I've been writing down my own from time to time. Anyways, thanks so much for stopping by. Love your blog and I'm now following - can't wait to see more.

  3. Thanks. I'm anxious to find time to get out and capture some of the scenery that Arizona has to offer!

  4. Thanks, Ashley. So glad you are following! I'll be back by your blog again soon. I've been popping in over the past year, but rarely comment. I really should say hello more often on the blogs that I read! Perhaps I need to add that as an item I'd like to do more of during tehe coming year! :)

  5. You are going to love the Hawaiian cruise!! We took a 14 day cruise there for our honeymoon with Royal Carribean and I didn't want to come home! I can't wait to see your pictures from the trip

  6. We are very excited about it! We're planning on going next Spring.
