Saying that my world is kinda insane these days would be a bit of an understatement. Between agreeing to work extra hours at my day job, searching for a new rental house, and planning for multiple back to back photo sessions, I've just about lost my grip on my sanity. So, I was caught completely off guard by the fact that the 4th of July was just around the corner. It wasn't until Tuesday evening when Kevin mentioned that he was off of work and class for the holiday, that it actually registered on my radar.
My plan was to spend my day catching up on laundry, bills, and editing. However, I quickly threw all of that out the window when we woke to a cloud covered sky and temps hovering in the 80's. By mid-morning, I began salivating at the amazing weather conditions and just couldn't let the perfect photo session opportunity pass me by. I'm a sucker for the yummy diffuse light produced on overcast days!
I would have LOVED to use the amazing lighting for a client session, but of course I didn't have one scheduled on a holiday, so I had to settle for the next best thing - photographing my hubby! Surprisingly, he readily agreed to some photos with no arm twisting! We decided on a session location, but by the time we arrived it had started to rain. Boo! But the good thing about Phoenix is that the rain never seems to last for very long, nor does it seem to rain all over at one time. So, we opted to drive a few miles across town until we found an area without any rain falling.
I know I said it the last time I posted photos from a session with Kevin, but it is so much easier for me to select and edit photos of him than of clients. I can fly through the shots and pick out my favorites of Kevin in a matter of minutes, while I often spend days agonizing over which photos to select and edit for clients. I guess it's because I know him so well, so it's easy to spot the images where he looks like "himself" in them. Here are the shots that I picked from our impromptu session to share:
This first one is my absolute favorite!...
I know they are a bit of a cliché, but I don't care! I absolutely love railroad track shots...
I absolutely love this one, too...
I had fun playing with all of the graffiti on the buildings where we took these photos...
How about one in black & white?...
A rare smile for a photo!...
A huge thanks to my sweet hubby for indulging my obsession and letting me take these photos of him!
Michele Whitacre is a portrait photographer serving Phoenix, Arizona and the surrounding area. Visit Michele's website at Become a fan of Michele's work on Facebook. Follow Michele's updates on Twitter.
These turned out great!