Thursday, July 5, 2012

Kevin's Impromptu 4th of July Photo Session

Saying that my world is kinda insane these days would be a bit of an understatement. Between agreeing to work extra hours at my day job, searching for a new rental house, and planning for multiple back to back photo sessions, I've just about lost my grip on my sanity.  So, I was caught completely off guard by the fact that the 4th of July was just around the corner.  It wasn't until Tuesday evening when Kevin mentioned that he was off of work and class for the holiday, that it actually registered on my radar.

My plan was to spend my day catching up on laundry, bills, and editing.  However, I quickly threw all of that out the window when we woke to a cloud covered sky and temps hovering in the 80's.  By mid-morning, I began salivating at the amazing weather conditions and just couldn't let the perfect photo session opportunity pass me by.  I'm a sucker for the yummy diffuse light produced on overcast days!

I would have LOVED to use the amazing lighting for a client session, but of course I didn't have one scheduled on a holiday, so I had to settle for the next best thing - photographing my hubby! Surprisingly, he readily agreed to some photos with no arm twisting!  We decided on a session location, but by the time we arrived it had started to rain. Boo!  But the good thing about Phoenix is that the rain never seems to last for very long, nor does it seem to rain all over at one time.  So, we opted to drive a few miles across town until we found an area without any rain falling.

I know I said it the last time I posted photos from a session with Kevin, but it is so much easier for me to select and edit photos of him than of clients.  I can fly through the shots and pick out my favorites of Kevin in a matter of minutes, while I often spend days agonizing over which photos to select and edit for clients.  I guess it's because I know him so well, so it's easy to spot the images where he looks like "himself" in them.  Here are the shots that I picked from our impromptu session to share:

This first one is my absolute favorite!...

I know they are a bit of a cliché, but I don't care! I absolutely love railroad track shots...

I absolutely love this one, too...

I had fun playing with all of the graffiti on the buildings where we took these photos...

How about one in black & white?...

A rare smile for a photo!...

A huge thanks to my sweet hubby for indulging my obsession and letting me take these photos of him!

Michele Whitacre is a portrait photographer serving Phoenix, Arizona and the surrounding area. Visit Michele's website at Become a fan of Michele's work on Facebook. Follow Michele's updates on Twitter.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

José + Katherine + Rayne's Sneak Peak

I'm excited to introduce you to José, Katherine, and Rayne! I had the honor of photographing this adorable family this past weekend.

If you're not familiar with Phoenix, let me tell you that this is a tough time of year for sessions. The temperature is well over 100, and we don't observe daylight savings time so it gets light insanely early. Therefore, sessions either take place in the scorching evening heat or crazy early.

For José, Katherine, and Rayne's session we opted for crazy early, and met at a local park on a Sunday morning. As soon as they arrived, Katherine admitted that Rayne was less than thrilled with the fact that she was up and at 'em at that hour, and was going to be tough to win over.

When photographing families, I often start out by having them hold hands and walk towards and away from me.  I think it helps everyone to relax when the session starts out doing something instead of immediately jumping into posed shots.  Plus, I just love how sweet these photos are with the kids holding their parents hands while walking along.  So this was a definite must for this session, since Rayne needed some time to warm up to me and the camera.

Adorable, right?....

After walking along, Rayne still wasn't too sure that she wanted anything to do with me or the photos. So, we stopped to take some photos of the ducks swimming in the ponds in the park. Then she helped me to set up some of the photos by picking where everyone should stand, and before too long she decided that maybe it wasn't so bad after all.

After that she opened up and was all smiles!  I just love this photo of her with José...

And this one with Katherine...

Are those not just two of the sweetest photos ever?  I just can't get over how cute they are!

Rayne is in dance class, so she modeled some of her dance poses, and then decided that maybe it would be fun to sit down and pose for a few photos all by herself. I had a hard time picking which photo to post, but opted for this one because I felt like it showed more of Rayne's personality...

Earlier in the session, I was telling Rayne where to pose by asking her to put her pigtail against mom or dad's cheek.  So for this photo she kept wanting to put her pigtail right against mom's face like before.  We had a hard time convincing her to keep her head in the middle of mom and dad, but we finally managed and got this sweet photo of the whole family...

José and Katherine, thank you so much for allowing me to take your portraits!  I had so much fun spending my morning with your family, and meeting Rayne.

Michele Whitacre is a portrait photographer serving Phoenix, Arizona and the surrounding area. Visit Michele's website at Become a fan of Michele's work on Facebook. Follow Michele's updates on Twitter.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Self-Portrait | June 2012

I graduated from high school 20 years ago this month. Gasp! I know everyone says it, but I seriously have no clue how it has been 20 years since I graduated! It certainly doesn't feel like that many years have passed by since I walked across that stage and received my diploma, and I definitely don't feel like I am 20 years older. In my head I'm still 25 and I still look like I did back in high school.

In honor of this milestone, I decided to do something a little different for this month's self-portrait. I held a contest on facebook and asked fans to vote for which of my high school senior portraits I should recreate 20 years later as a self-portrait.

It was only after the winner was selected that I started to really consider what it was going to take to recreate the chosen portrait.  First, I was going to have to try to find some clothes that sort of resembles the outfit I had on in my senior photo.  Second, I was going to have to track down a chair.  Third, I was going to have to squeeze myself into it!

Obviously, I was never going to find the exact shirt I had on in the photo so I opted for one a similar color.  That part wasn't too difficult since blue is my favorite color and I have tons of it in my wardrobe.  Every pair of jeans I own is very dark in color with wide legs that I didn't think I'd be able to peg. But that issue wasn't too hard to solve by raiding my husbands closet and stealing a pair of his jeans.  I even still own the ring I had on in the photo, and dug that out of the jewelry box and put it on.  I wasn't about to cut bangs into my hair or get a perm, so I did the best I could to mimic my hairstyle with a curling iron.  And it just about killed me to take this photo with next to no make up on!  I didn't realize how little make up I wore back then until I was trying to copy the photo.

Next up was the chair, so I put a request up on facebook and luckily a friend offered to let me borrow a chair from her.  I knew there was no way I was going to come up with a solid white background for the photo, so I decided not to try and instead just took the photo in the backyard of our rental house.

And finally, I have to admit that the squeezing myself into it was a bit harder than I thought it would be, and I'm surprised that I don't look uncomfortable in the photo because I definitely was!  It kinda felt like I was attempting to fold myself in half to squeeze into that position and it was a challenge to resume it quickly enough after clicking the remote.

So, I give to you, Michele Whitacre


And then...

So, how did I do?

Honestly, I had a ridiculous amount of fun setting up this photo and bring everything together to make it happen. Although, it is a bit depressing to compare the photos side by side and realize that I don't quite look the same as I did back then no matter how much I wish I did.

Did you miss some of my past self-portraits?  Clicking here will take you to all of my self-portrait blog posts. Clicking here will take you to my self-portrait Facebook album.

Michele Whitacre is a portrait photographer serving Phoenix, Arizona and the surrounding area. Visit Michele's website at Become a fan of Michele's work on Facebook. Follow Michele's updates on Twitter.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Jessi's Sneak Peek

I spent last Sunday morning photographing Jessi, and I have to admit that her session is one of my favs of all time! Sometimes everything just clicks to create the perfect photos, and this was definitely one of those times.

Jessi and I started chatting about the location for her session and when she suggested the photographer's dream area that I had discovered a few months ago I was sooo excited.  Once I knew where we were going to shoot, I mentioned to Jessi that she might want to consider wearing something that was a bright, solid color to set her apart from the art that we would be using as backgrounds, and I suggested maybe a sundress.

After her shopping trip she sent me a photo of her dress, and it was like she was reading my mind.  I couldn't have possibly picked anything more perfect! Then she shows up for her session and tells me that she brought some jewelry with her but she was wanted to know if it was too much. She pulled out that gorgeous blue necklace and I about fell over.  Too much?  Are you nuts?  It's sensational!

Jessi said that she wanted a photo with one particular mural, and when she described it I knew instantly which one she was talking about since I've been drooling over it since I first saw it. We had to improvise a teeny bit since most of the mural was in pretty harsh direct sunlight but we still managed to capture the mural in all it's glory.

So here you are Jessi, one gorgeous photo of you with the the stained glass mural!...

As this photo clearly shows, Jessi isn't afraid to get out there and live life and have fun.   Seriously, take a look at those shoes she's jumping in!  When I asked her if she thought she could jump in them she didn't even hesitate to give it a try...

There truly are not words for this one. Jessi, you look FREAKING AMAZING!!!...

This is one of my absolute favs from our session.  Of course, it helps that the background is such a gorgeous blue, which is my all time favorite color, but I also love Jessi's expression here.  I was trying to get her to give me a sassy pose with one of her hips jutted out to the side.  She was barely moving, but felt like she was getting crazy with it and was laughing at me over it...

After a quick outfit change, we were back at it to capture some more photos.  This second set obviously has a different look and feel to them, and allows a different side of Jessi to shine through.  And after getting to know Jessi during our session I learned that there are definitely different sides to this girl!  She went from art major to law school!  That's certainly something you don't run into every day, but I have no doubt that she is equally fabulous at both of them.

Jessi, you are gorgeous!...

Check out those stunning baby blues...

I cannot tell you how hard I had to work to get this photo! Usually when I do sessions, I have to work to get clients to have natural smiles for the camera. So, I spend a lot of time trying to get them to laugh so they look natural. Not Jessi! It is very rare to find this lovely lady without a smile on her face, and every time I was trying to capture a more serious expression she broke out into a huge grin before I could capture it...

Jessi really was a blast to photograph. She came up with a lot of her own poses, and kept asking if she could try doing different things, which I love! At the end of the day, I want the photos I take to be all about the client so it is great when they suggest things they want to try. This was just one of her many wonderful suggestions, all of which she pulled off perfectly. Except for looking gansta, she couldn't quite manage that one. She couldn't keep from breaking out into smiles as she was trying it. :)

I hope you enjoyed seeing Jessi's photos on the blog because this gorgeous girl will be back again soon for a few fun-filled family sessions.  So, stay tuned.

Jessi, thank you so much for allowing me to take your photos, and a huge thanks for getting up at the crack of dawn and braving the Phoenix summer heat.  It was wonderful getting to chat with you during our session and I can't wait to take more photos of you and your family soon.

Michele Whitacre is a portrait photographer serving Phoenix, Arizona and the surrounding area. Visit Michele's website at Become a fan of Michele's work on Facebook. Follow Michele's updates on Twitter.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

BBL 2011-2012 | Try to Surf


Why did I include this on my Bucket List?

Every time I have seen surfing in a movie, or IRL, it looked like so much fun that I wanted to try it for myself.

Was the experience what I had hoped it would be?

It was so much better than I expected! I thought it would be really hard to stand up and balance, but it really wasn't. I never expected to be able to stand up on the board, but I was able to get to a standing position from my very first attempt.

The details...

We opted to take surfing lessons for one of our excursions while we were on the island of Kauai.  The instructors started out by showing us how to stand up while we were still on land, and then we took our boards and headed off to the water.  (Only I'm such a wimp that I couldn't carry mine and one of the instructors had to do it for me!)  Then we took turns paddling out to one of the instructors, who would wait for a wave to come and then give us a push into it and tell us to paddle and then stand up.

I'm sure it would have been much harder without the instructors telling us exactly what to do and when to stand!  Even so, I'm sure that if I lived some place with easy access to an ocean, I would continue surfing.  I had an insane amount of fun, even if I did come home covered in bruises from the board knocking me over numerous times when I was trying to wrestle with it in the waves crashing along shore.

I was too busy learning to surf to take any action shots, but here is a photo of Kevin and I after we were all done with our lesson...

Do you want to see my entire 2011-2012 Bucket List? You can find it here.

Michele Whitacre is a portrait photographer serving Phoenix, Arizona and the surrounding area. Visit Michele's website at Become a fan of Michele's work on Facebook. Follow Michele's updates on Twitter.