
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Fun With a Fisheye | Part 2

If you missed my other two posts about shooting with a Fisheye Lens, they can be found here and here.

Day 3...

I didn't have a lot of time to shoot this day, so I headed out to our backyard to try to get a few fun photos of Zoe & Lexi. It turned out to be a lot harder than I had imagined!

One of the nice things about the lens was that it did make it easier to get a photo of the two of them together. They didn't have to be sitting very close to each other for the lens to make it look like they were pretty close...

I took this one to give a better perspective of just how far away the lens makes things look. My arm is obviously not that long!...

The dogs didn't really like having the camera so close to them.  If Lexi had turned her head just an inch or two her nose would have hit the camera lens (which happened more than once!), and it kind of freaked her out a little...

Loved this one!  I thought it was fun how curved it made the dogs legs and bodies look...

Day 4...

All of these photos were taken in and around downtown Phoenix.

I meant to try to take more photos like this one, looking up at the tall buildings but I actually forgot until I was on my way back home!...

Kevin went with me for my morning of shooting, and let me take a few crazy photos of him.  This one was my fav...

I'm a sucker for palm trees!  I love this one, but wish it was a true circle image...

These next two were taken from the top of a parking garage.  Between the two photos I shifted the position of the camera a little bit and you can really see how much more the buildings curve the higher in the frame they are...

This one is my all time favorite photo that I took during the week!  It looks like something out of a movie with the ominous clouds looking like they are circling over the city...

These next few photos were taken through the windows of one of the taller buildings downtown, so please excuse the reflections in the photos!  I didn't have a filter for the lens since it wasn't mine.

I was really having fun using the larger buildings as curving frames for some of the smaller buildings out in the distance...

I really liked how much of the landscape you could see in this next one...

Love this one!  Fun, right?...

So, which one do you like best?

By the third and fourth day, I started to feel like I was figuring the lens out a bit and was able to branch out a little bit and try a few more fun things.  I'll be back again soon with Part 3, so check back to see what else I captured during my week with the Fisheye!

Michele Whitacre is a portrait photographer serving Phoenix, Arizona and the surrounding area. Visit Michele's website at Become a fan of Michele's work on Facebook. Follow Michele's updates on Twitter.


  1. Oh! Love the fisheye lens! These are so cool!

  2. Thanks, Debbie! The lens is really fun to use.

  3. What fun! I love the pics.

  4. I love the palm tree pic!
