
Thursday, September 8, 2011

Fun With a Fisheye | Part 3

If you missed my other three posts about shooting with a Fisheye Lens, they can be found here, here, and here.

Day 5...

I decided to try something a little different with the lens today, and take some night shots with it. So, I headed back downtown with my camera and tripod to have a little fun. This was only my second time experimenting with night photography, and I have to say that I really enjoyed it! I definitely see more of it in my future.

These were all taken from the same parking garage as the images from Day 4.  (I guess I need to spend some time downtown seeing where else I can shoot from, huh?)

I really liked how they all turned out!...

Hubby and I had to jump into this one, just for fun!  This is definitely one of my absolute favorites of the week...

Day 6...

All of these photos were taken in Tempe, and I must say that they are by far my favorite set of photos from the week.  When I first got the lens, I had decided that I wanted to try to find a bridge to photograph, but where was I going to find a bridge in Phoenix?  I did a little research, and found that there were several bridges very close to each other that cross the Salt River in Tempe.  I had a ridiculous amount of fun playing with the lines of the bridges in all of these photos, and bending them every which way with the lens.  I do have a favorite of the bunch, but it was a pretty hard choice!

Here is another photo, where I zoomed the lens a little bit to use the lens as a wide angle and decrease the distorted effect...

Fav!  I just love all the curving lines in the image...

Believe it or not, I still have one more post of Fisheye photos to share with you, so I hope you'll join me again soon for Part 4!

Which photo set do you like best... the night photos or the bridge photos?

Michele Whitacre is a portrait photographer serving Phoenix, Arizona and the surrounding area. Visit Michele's website at Become a fan of Michele's work on Facebook. Follow Michele's updates on Twitter.


  1. My new camera actually has a fishbowl function so I get these same types of photos. It's really cool, I like it!

  2. So do I! It was a lot of fun to play with for the week. What kind of camera did you get?
